Story behind the sketches (Part 4) - Love Limited/ Hasyimah.


On the 5th of August 1974, I wrote a poem entitled 'Love Limited'.  Two days later I did a sketch to accompany the poem in my poetry book. However, sometime in 1979 I changed the title of the poem to 'Hasyimah' after I met a Malay girl in Kuching who I thought possessed a deep inner beauty. 

In the same year, I asked a good friend of mine by the name of Reg Salisbury to read and record the poem in his amazing BBC quality voice in the RTM studio at Kuching.  I attached here a link to  a You Tube video of his remarkable voice reading the poem - Hasyimah.

Note : The above video was created in 2012, after I found the audio tape and thus enabled me to make a video presentation of the poem.
